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孩子了解钱的价值-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文 few children learn about the […]

孩子了解钱的价值-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文 few children learn about the value of money



Very few school children learn about the value of money and how to look after it, yet this is a critical life skill that should be taught as a part of the school curriculum. Do you agree or disagree?




An academic institute usually deals with science, arts and commerce related subjects while ignores teaching money management and this is why it is often noticed that students who do well in school struggle while taking care of their finances in real life. Having said that, academic and financial intelligence cannot be seen as inherent contradictions, but they truly are two mutually independent competencies. I personally believe that the value of money and money management should be taught in schools.



The author of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” terms Financial Independence as ‘you being able to make your money work for you and not the other way around’. Students who get to learn about how to spend, invest and save money rarely find themselves in financial predicaments despite what their salaries bring in. Such skills are often inculcated through parents or by observing people who practice them. On the other hand, students who lack these skills usually find themselves with insufficient funds no matter how much their jobs pay them. They never learn to develop their assets. It renders them dependents on their jobs for life as it is their only source of income. The earnings are mostly spent on their liabilities leaving them with paltry savings.

《富爸爸穷爸爸》(Rich Dad Poor Dad)一书的作者将金融独立性定义为“您能够使自己的钱为自己工作,而不是相反”。无论他们收入如何,学过如何花钱,投资和省钱的学生很少会陷入财务困境。此类技能通常是通过父母或观察其他人的操作获得的。另一方面,缺乏这些技能的学生通常会发现自己没有足够的资金,无论工资多少。他们从来不会学着提升自己的资产。由于这是他们唯一的收入来源,因此使得他们终身依赖工作。收入主要用于偿还债务,而积蓄很少。


If money management is taught as a part of the school curriculum, all the students will get a chance to learn such skills. They will grow up to have more knowledge of money and finance. Consecutively, they will have a better perspective while making financial decisions. This will lead to a more stable, enriched and self-reliant society.



To conclude, I would say that earning money may not be the goal in life but it is the money that provides us with our basic needs and the sense of security. All these points advocate that learning the skills to value and handle money is definitely a crucial part of life. Thus, I believe that lessons for financial management should be made a part of the school curriculum so that more and more students can have a chance of a financially stable future.



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孩子了解钱的价值-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文 the value of money:等您坐沙发呢!


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