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英国交通模式变化-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 changes in modes of trave […]

英国交通模式变化-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 changes in modes of travel in England



The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

雅思小作文题目 英国出行模式的变化


The table illustrates how the mode of travel changed in England between 1985 and 2000. Generally, comparing to 1985, English travelled more in 2000, 6475 miles for each citizen.


Cars were by far the most popular modes of transports in both years in England. The average distance travelled by English in a car was 3,199 miles in 1985, and 4806 miles in 2000. On the other hand, we can see that taxi was the least popular vehicle. This article is from Laokaoya website. Although the travelling distance in 2000 using taxi was above three times than that of 1985, only 42 miles were travelled per person this year, which was almost the same for the bicycle rides.


No significant changes happened to some modes of travels, like walking and bicycle, between 1985 and 2000. According to the table, in 2000 local bus was used less than that of 1985. Only 274 miles were travelled in 2000 by buses, which was 55 miles fewer than that of 1985. In contrast, the long-distance bus became more popular over the time. Each person travelled 124 miles by long-distance buses in 2000 while only 54 miles in 1985.


In summary, English people travelled more distance in 2000 than in 1985. It is obvious that cars were the most popular mode of travelling.



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