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剑桥雅思10 Test 4写作Task 1考官范文 三文鱼生命循环 剑桥雅思10第四套题目的小作文是比较少见的 […]

剑桥雅思10 Test 4写作Task 1考官范文 三文鱼生命循环



剑桥雅思10 test 4小作文题目

The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

剑桥雅思10 test 4小作文题目

剑桥雅思10 test 4小作文考官范文

Salmon begin life as eggs on a pebbly riverbed, hidden among reeds in the slow-moving upper reaches of a river. After five to six months the eggs hatch into ‘fry’. For approximately the next four years, these baby salmon will live in the lower,faster-flowing waters of their river. During this time they measure between three and eight centimetres in length.

By the time salmon reach twelve to fifteen centimetres, they are termed ‘smolt’ and at this time they migrate further downriver into the open sea. After five years at sea the salmon will have grown to adult size, which is between seventy and seventy-six centimetres. They then begin swimming back to their birthplace, where they will lay their eggs, and the cycle starts anew.

In summary, the salmon passes through three distinct physical stages as it grows to maturity. Each of these stages takes place in a very different aquatic location. It is noteworthy that the first two stages of this fish’s life occur in a freshwater environment, while the third stage is lived in saltwater.

剑桥雅思10 test 4小作文考官范文解析

Task achievement

1. 数据选取方面。这篇文章涉及到了图表中的所有内容,包括不同阶段大马哈鱼的名字,长度,生活地点,成长所需时间等。无一遗漏。

2. 文章最后一段对整个图表进行了全面的总结。包括涉及到的阶段总数,生活地点的区分,以及环境的变化等。


3. 文章对数据的对比主要在最后总结段进行,如地点的差异,生活环境的不同等。不过流程图的重点不在比较,而在于概括。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章逻辑结构合理。第一段涵盖三文鱼从卵变成小鱼的过程,第二段则主要描述成熟之后到大海中生活并返回产卵的过程。最后一段进行总结。

2. 文章主要使用各种各样的顺序词来串联不同的阶段。而这些串联词也是流程图中考察的重点。

Lexical Resource


Grammatical Range



begin life as 以…开启生命

after prep. 在…之后

hatch v. 孵化,孵出

For the next + 在接下来的…时间里

during this time 在这期间

by the time + 句子 到了…的时候

be termed… 被叫作

at this time 这时候

then 然后

start anew 重新开始


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剑桥雅思10 Test 4写作Task 1考官范文 三文鱼生命循环:等您坐沙发呢!


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