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六个专业男女学生数量-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文 numbers of male and […]

六个专业男女学生数量-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文 numbers of male and female research students



The bar graph below shows the numbers of male and female research students studying six subjects at a US university in 2011.

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

六个专业男女学生数量 雅思小作文题目


The provided chart compares the numbers of male and female enrollees in the research study in six subjects (linguistic, psychology, natural science, engineering programming and mathematics) at a US University. Overall, there were more male students enrolled in the field of research than female students.


According to the given illustration, both male and female students have an equal number of enrollees in natural science. In mathematics, male students showed greater interest than female students. Furthermore, male enrollees in all the subjects outnumbered their female counterparts except in linguistics.


It is evident from the given data that natural science was the most sought subject for both male and female students as they recorded 400 enrollees altogether (200 on each group). In mathematics, male recorded another 200 enrollees as opposed to only about 50 female students. In addition, in psychology, there were about 375 enrollees, male students still dominated at 200 and 175 for their female counterpart. On the contrary, linguistic showed a different story as female students toppled the number of male students at around 120 and 80 respectively.



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