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剑桥雅思7Test2阅读Passage2答案解析 The True Cost of Food 食物的真实代价 […]

剑桥雅思7Test2阅读Passage2答案解析 The True Cost of Food 食物的真实代价

剑桥雅思7阅读第二套题目第二篇文章的13道题由4道段落信息匹配,4道YES/NO/NOT GIVEN判断,以及5道总结型填空构成。整体而言难度不算太大,大家要保持较高的正确率才可以。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。


雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思7 test 2 passage 2 食物的代价

剑桥雅思7Test2阅读Passage2原文翻译 The True Cost of Food 食物的真正成本

剑桥雅思7 Test 2 Passage 2阅读答案解析


对应原文:E段:£23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidium from drinking water by water companies;

答案解析:E段中提到有2300万英镑用于自来水公司去除饮用水中的隐孢子虫。其中去除寄生虫这一操作对应题干中的purifying,drinking water对应domestic water,23m对应cost,因此确定答案。


对应原文:B段:First mechanisation, then mass use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering



对应原文:C段:the costs of all this damage are what economists refer to as externalities … the costs may not even appear to be financial at all

答案解析:C段中首先提到了externalities(外部性)这一专有名词,后面又详细解释了该词汇的含义。两者分别对应题干中的term和hidden costs,由此确定答案。


对应原文:B段:while the growth of algae is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off.

答案解析:B段最后一句提到,肥料的流失导致湖泊中藻类的生长。其中fertilisers对应题干中的chemicals,lakes对应water sources,而藻类生长则对应effect,由此确定答案。


对应原文:B段:In Britain, for example, many of our best-loved farmland birds, such as the skylark, the grey partridge, the lapwing and the corn bunting, have vanished from huge stretches of countryside, as have even more wild flowers and insects


第19题答案:NOT GIVEN


答案解析:文章从头到尾都在描述食物生产的代价,并没有提到其口味如何。因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。


对应原文:C段:Put it all together and it looks like a battlefield, but consumers rarely make the connection at the dinner table.

答案解析:C段开头提到,虽然将这些情况汇总之后看起来像战场一样,但餐桌旁的消费者却很少将它们联系起来。同时文章标题也暗示着食物的成本远超普通人的认知。题干所说的widely recognised与此相反,因此判断答案为NO。


对应原文:E段:£169m from food poisoning


第22题答案:food bills/costs

对应原文:our food bills are actually threefold.

答案解析:E段:根据下文中的three different types of payment定位到这一句。题干中的higher与原文中threefold对应,根据修饰关系可以确定答案为food bills。

第23题答案:(modern) intensive farming

对应原文:F段:where the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible


第24题答案:organic farming

对应原文:G段:Professor Pretty feels that organic farming would be too big a jump in thinking and in practices for many farmers.

答案解析:根据most farmers定位到这句话,unable与原文中too big a jump对应,由修饰关系确定答案为organic farming。

第25题答案:Greener Food Standard

对应原文:G段: He is recommending the immediate introduction of a ‘Greener Food Standard’

答案解析:题干中包含了一个明显的提示“refers to as”。该短语后面一般都跟的都是专有名词,根据这一点可以很容易确定答案为“Greener Food Standard”。

第26题答案:farmers (and) consumers

对应原文:G段:It could go a long way, he says, to shifting consumers as well as farmers towards a more sustainable system of agriculture.

答案解析:题干中的两个空构成并列关系,根据这一点到原文中寻找,发现as well as与and同义替换,由此确定答案为farmers (and) consumers。

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