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手机制造商市场份额-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 market share of mobile p […]

手机制造商市场份额-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 market share of mobile phone manufacturers



The table shows the worldwide market share of mobile phone manufacturers in the years 2005 and 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The table data shows the leading mobile phone manufacturers’ global market share in 2005 and 2006. Generally speaking, Nokia had the highest global market share of cell phone both in 2005 & 2006 and the market shares of Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson increased in 2006 than their share in 2005.


As is presented, Nokia had the largest market share (one-third of total) in 2005 and their market share increased by 2.5% next year. Motorola had the second-highest market share comprising over 17% in 2005 and their market share increased by roughly 4%. Samsung had been able to maintain the third position for their worldwide mobile phone market share, though their share decreased to 11.8% in 2006 compared to 12.7% in the previous year.


On the other hand, Sony Ericsson and L.G both had more than 6% market share in 2005. In 2006, though Sony Ericsson’s market share increased by 1%, L.G’s market share decreased. BenQ Mobile had the lowest market share in the cell phone market and their share dropped to half in 2006 than the previous year. All other mobile manufacturers’ market share comprised over 19% in 2005 and that reduced to slightly over 16% as Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson had been able to secure more market share worldwide.

另一方面,索尼爱立信和LG在2005年的市场份额均超过6%。2006年,尽管索尼爱立信的市场份额增长了1%,但L.G的市场份额却有所下降。BenQ Mobile在手机市场中的份额最低,2006年其份额下降至前一年的一半。2005年,所有其他移动制造商的市场份额超过19%,而随着诺基亚,摩托罗拉和索尼爱立信在全球范围内赢得更多的市场份额,这一份额下降到略高于16%。


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