电视运动节目-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文 showing sport on television
Sport is one of the most popular draws on television today. Some people argue that the practice of showing sport on television is to blame for the poor health of the young generation by encouraging them to watch rather than partake in physical activity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
Technology has given people wings to fly but along with that, it has made them lazy too. One such technological advancement is television. With different kind of contents being lined up on television series, sports is one such evergreen practice shown on television. People of all age groups watch sports on television. However, the ongoing craze of multiple sports draws on television has inspired the young generation to a great extent.
Now the question arises, is this practice supposed to be blamed for the poor health of the young generation! The more they watch, the more they become addicted to it, whilst the evolution of sport on television was not meant to spoil brats. This article is from Laokaoya website. The motive to promote sports on televisions was to inspire the young generation to dig in their heels & to achieve success at a higher level, to keep people updated of the latest achievements in sports activities and to instil a feeling of vigour and enthusiasm in people
Contradictory to this statement, is the fact that now the young generation takes watching sports on television as a leisure activity. Instead of inspiring, it has instilled a feeling of laziness among youth. Now the young one’s just love to have a gala time watching sports. They no more feel the need to go out and partake in physical activities which in turn has affected their health to some extent.
In my view, there is no harm in watching sports on television sometimes. But if it exceeds the desired time limit then alarm has to be raised. Along with that watching should not be combined with physical activities. Both relate to a different aspect, the former being a leisure activity while the latter being a necessity to keep oneself fit.