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剑桥雅思17Test4Part2听力高频词汇 hotel managers



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剑桥雅思17Test4Part2听力原文与答案 hotel managers


unaware adj. 未意识到的

例句:He was completely unaware of the whole affair. 他对整件事情一无所知。

staff n. 员工

例句:We have 20 part-time members of staff. 我们有20名兼职员工。

training n. 培训

例句:Few candidates had received any training in management. 没有几个应聘者接受过管理培训。

recruit v. 雇用

例句:The police are trying to recruit more officers from ethnic minorities. 警察机关正试图从少数民族中征募更多的新警员。

turnover n. 人员流动率

例句:Short-term contracts increase staff turnover. 短期合同使得员工流动率增高。

morale n. 士气

例句:Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment. 此刻各选手士气高昂。

workload n. 工作量

例句:We have taken on extra staff to cope with the increased workload. 我们已经额外雇用员工来应付增加了的工作量。

neglect v. 忽略,忽视

例句:The buildings had been neglected for years. 这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。

complaint n. 抱怨,投诉

例句:I can see no grounds for complaint. 我看没理由抱怨。

loyalty n. 忠诚

例句:They swore their loyalty to the king. 他们宣誓效忠国王。

introduce v. 引入

例句:Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island. 自从引进山羊之后,这个岛上的植被模式改变了。

scheme n. 方案,计划

例句:a local scheme for recycling newspapers 当地的报纸回收计划

talent n. 人才

例句:There is a wealth of young talent in British theatre. 英国戏剧界年轻一代人才辈出。

reward n. 奖励,回报

例句:The company is now reaping the rewards of its investments. 公司正在收获他们的投资回报。

voucher n. 优惠券

例句:This discount voucher entitles you to 10% off your next purchase. 这张优惠券可以使你下次购物时打九折。

incentive n. 激励,刺激

例句:There is no incentive for people to save fuel. 没有使人们节约燃料的鼓励办法。

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