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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Famous people 名人 与famouse people (名人)相关 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Famous people 名人

与famouse people (名人)相关的话题在雅思口语考试中也经常出现,在雅思口语第一部分和第二部分都会有所涉及到。大家在准备个话题的时候不妨从多个角度思考一下,也可以结合自己的生活经历来表达自己的想法。这里的名人可以是纯粹的在某个领域比较出名的人,比如马云、任志强等,也可以是娱乐圈我们耳熟能详的歌星影星比如周杰伦、周星驰等等。老烤鸭建议大家在参考为大家准备的原创范文之前可以自己在口头中多花一分钟的时间对每个问题进行回答,然后再参考自己范文答案进行二次练习。

Have you ever met famous people? 你见过名人吗?

Yes, I have. Just last summer, I bumped into Yang Zhenning who is a Chinese Noble laureate and one of the greatest physicists in the world. I met him at a shopping center in Beijing and felt extremely excited to take a picture with him.


Who do you want to interview? 你想要采访谁?

If I had a chance to interview someone, I would like to have a talk with is Bill Gates, who is the founder of Microsoft.

如果我有一个机会去采访别人的话,我想去采访Bill Gates, 他是微软的创始人。

Why do you want to meet him or her? 你为什么想要见他/她?

Well, the reason why I’d like to meet him in person is that he is my role model. You know, he not only creates the world’s biggest Operation Software company that has made computer software more accessible but also, this article is from Laokaoya website, gives hopes to people who are suffering from diseases through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Do you want to meet other famous people? Who? 你相见其他名人吗?他们是谁?

Yes, there are some celebrities that I want to meet. For instance, Lady Gaga is one of my favorite singers, and she’s created many awesome songs like Bad Romance and Poker Face. So, I really want to meet her in person to appreciate her live performance.

是的,有些我想要见到的名人。比如,Lady Gaga就是我喜欢的歌手之一,她创作了很多超棒的歌曲,比如Bad Romance以及Poker Face。所以,我很想见到他本人来欣赏一下她的现场表演。


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