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大学生实习-雅思写作流程图flow chart-雅思小作文范文 work experience require […]

大学生实习-雅思写作流程图flow chart-雅思小作文范文 work experience requirement



The flowchart below shows the process involved in completing the work experience requirement for university students.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The given flowchart presents the steps required to complete the requirements for work experience of the university students. As is presented in the flowchart, there are six steps involved in fulfilling the requirements starting from the Application submission till submitting the final report and after a student successfully complete these steps, s/he would be awarded the necessary credits.


As is presented in the flowchart, the first step of the process is called ‘Application’ that requires a student to choose a suitable and potential workspace and to arrange the interview to submit the application in the fields s/he is interested in. The next step involves the approval stage where a student needs to be accepted and then s/he needs to submit the acceptance letter to a professor for approval. After that, the student is required to make a schedule to work for more than 10 hours per week for more than 20 weeks.  In the fourth stage, the candidate has to fulfil the weekly work report and submit to the corresponding professor each Friday. In the Evaluation step, the candidate will participate in the evaluation meeting in the final week of his/ her work with the work supervisor and the supervisor would submit the evaluation form.


In the final step, known as ‘Final Report’, the candidate has to submit the final report before the last week of spring semester. And with the submission of final report, the work experience requirements are fulfilled according to the process described in the flowchart.



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大学生实习-雅思写作流程图flow chart-雅思小作文范文 work experience requirement:等您坐沙发呢!


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