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澳大利亚海外学生数量-雅思写作折线图(线状图)-雅思小作文范文 overseas students in Au […]

澳大利亚海外学生数量-雅思写作折线图(线状图)-雅思小作文范文 overseas students in Australia



The graph below shows four countries/territories of residence of overseas students in Australia.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

雅思写作小作文题目 澳大利亚留学生数量


The line graph gives information about overseas students from four countries/territories living in Australia. In general, Indonesia and Hong Kong had a similar number of students staying in Australia over the 18 year periods.


Specifically, the increasing number of overseas students from Indonesia and Hong Kong started from the same level in 1982 about 1,000 students. Both countries rose in the middle of the 1980s. Hong Kong reached a peak in 1998 before it fell and rose again in late 1999, while Indonesia experienced the highest point at almost 20,000 students before it fluctuated during the past 9 years.


Malaysia and Singapore, on the other hand, started at different points and gradually increased along the periods. Malaysia dropped once in 1998 before it rose again, whilst Singapore remained steadily upwards.


From the data, it clearly seen that despite all the fluctuated and the fell down, the number of students from four countries keep increased for the rest of the eight-years periods.



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