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the proportion of monthly household income-雅思写作小作文范文表格题 […]

the proportion of monthly household income-雅思写作小作文范文表格题



The table illustrates the proportion of monthly household income spend on food and drink, housing, clothing and entertainment in five European countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature and make comparisons where relevant.


The table compares the allocation of monthly earning in five different European countries (France, Germany, UK, Turkey and Spain). According to the statistic, in general, it is clearly seen that most countries spend heavily of their income on housing compared to other household aspects.


To begin with, the largest allocation of income in terms of food and drink is experienced by Turkey. This figure stands at 36%, but other aspects, such as housing, clothing, and entertainment, are just under 30% of the proportion of monthly household income. In contrast, even though Germany’s citizens allocate just 22% of their earning in food and drink, but in other household aspects, they spend heavily than other countries. This figure is considered as the biggest expenditure.


Three countries, namely France, the UK, and Spain, have smaller proportions of household income in clothing. These stand at 7%, 11%, and 8%, but the largest expenditure in France is in housing, this figure is the same with the UK, at only 37%. However, the biggest allocation of monthly income in Spain is experienced in food and drink, at 31%.


In the entertainment aspect, all the countries allocate just under 20% of their earning monthly.



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