Neuroaesthetics 神经美学 剑桥雅思11Test2Passage3阅读答案解析
剑桥雅思11阅读第二套题目第三篇文章的14道题由4道单项选择,3道选词填空,6道YES/NO/NOT GIVEN判断,以及一道标题选择组成。因为涉及到一个新兴学科,整篇文章理解起来可能会有些困难,给解题增加了额外的难度。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思11 test 2 passage 3 神经美学neuroaesthetics
Neuroaesthetics 神经美学 剑桥雅思11Test2Passage3阅读原文翻译
剑桥雅思11 Test2 Passage3阅读答案解析
对应原文:第2段:We certainly do have an inclination to follow the crowd. When asked to make simple perceptual decisions such as matching a shape to its rotated image, for example, people often choose a definitively wrong answer if they see others doing the same.
答案解析:题干直接给出了第2段这一范围,大大减少了我们定位的难度。在雅思阅读中,例子要证明的道理通常就在例子之前或者之后,由此我们锁定have an inclination to follow the crowd,即从众,确定C为正确答案。
对应原文:第3段:It seems that the viewer can sense the artist’s vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.
答案解析:根据Angelina Hawley-Dolan这一人名定位到第3段。前面文章来自老烤鸭雅思都是在描述具体的实验过程和结果。最后一句才是结论。即观赏者可以意识到艺术家在画中的想象,由此确定D为答案。
对应原文:第4段:It would seem that the brain sees these images as puzzles, and the harder it is to decipher the meaning, the more rewarding is the moment of recognition.
对应原文:第5段:Mondrian’s works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed
答案解析:原文中提到,蒙德里安的作品让人误以为十分简单,但眼球追踪研究证实它们经过仔细的创作。选项A中appear对应deceptively,carefully对应meticulously,put together对应composed,由此确定答案。
对应原文:第1段:The blurred imagery of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain’s amygdala, for instance. Since the amygdala plays a crucial role in our feelings
答案解析:根据impressionist paintings定位到第1段的这两句话。题干中问的是它对我们的什么影响,由此锁定amygdala,但选项中并没有对应的内容。往后看发现amygdala在我们的感受中发挥关键作用。C选项正好对应feelings,由此确定答案。
对应原文:第7段:In another experiment, Alex Forsythe of the University of Liverpool … many artists use a key level of detail to please the brain.
答案解析:根据人名定位到第7段,a key level与the precise degree对应,锁定detail,选项中只有B complexity能够与之同义替换,因此确定答案。
对应原文:第7段:What’s more, appealing pieces both abstract and representational, show signs of ‘fractals’- repeated motifs recurring in different scales.
答案解析:根据pleasing works与appealing pieces的对应定位到这句话,repeated原词出现,锁定motifs,选项H与它同义替换,由此确定答案。
第34题答案:NOT GIVEN
对应原文:第7段:Fractals are common throughout nature, for example in the shapes of mountain peaks or the branches of trees. It is possible that our visual system, which evolved in the great outdoors, finds it easier to process such patterns.
答案解析:原文中虽然确实提到了fractals,但完全没有提到Forsythe的发现与其有什么关系。题干属于将两个不相关的信息结合在一起,由此确定答案为NOT GIVEN。
对应原文:第8段:This may be down to our brain’s ‘mirror neurons’, which are known to mimic others’ actions. The hypothesis will need to be thoroughly tested
答案解析:题干中的art appreciation是文章主题,mirror neurons在原文中原词出现,further verification则与thoroughly tested同义替换。即题干中所有的主要信息点在原文中都能找到依据,由此判断答案为YES。
对应原文:第8段:While the fashions of the time might shape what is currently popular, works that are best adapted to our visual system may be the most likely to linger once the trends of previous generations have been forgotten.
对应原文:第9段:It would, however, be foolish to reduce art appreciation to a set of scientific laws
对应原文:第9段:We shouldn’t underestimate the importance of the style of a particular artist, their place in history and the artistic environment of their time.
第39题答案:NOT GIVEN
对应原文:第9段:In some ways, it’s not so different to science, where we are constantly looking for systems and decoding meaning so that we can view and appreciate the world in a new way.
答案解析:原文中只是提到艺术与科学相似,并没有比较两者的难度差异。由此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。
答案解析:A选项基本概括了文章中各个不同科学家的研究成果。B选项错在neural activity以偏概全,C选项错在文章并没有比较抽象和具象艺术作品的神经基础差异,D选项中关于改变公众看法的描述更是无中生有,由此确定答案为A。
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敢问这一片文章是不是真的很抽象很难 我上一次雅思阅读7.5 这一片文章 我都没有读懂
2022-12-14 11:47这篇确实是有些难,不用担心
2022-12-15 17:13难死了
2023-07-22 22:37有时候可能比这个更难一些T_T
2023-07-24 17:29考场上会不会三篇都难啊
2023-12-01 17:21有可能,但概率很低,一般第一篇还是很简单的
2023-12-02 13:15