剑桥雅思10Test3Section3听力答案解析 Theatre Studies Course
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剑桥雅思10 Test3 Section3听力答案解析
对应原文:I’d… I’d visualise what he must have been like in the past, when he was sitting in his consulting room listening to his patients
对应原文:so when the curtain went up on the first scene in the waiting room, there was that long silence before anyone spoke. And then people kept saying the same thing over and over, like ‘Cold, isn’t it?’
答案解析:A选项用repetition替换over and over,由此确定答案。B选项的dull color虽然对应grey and brown,但录音中说的是文章来自老烤鸭雅思人的穿着,而非布景,由此排除B。C选项long pauses对应long silence,但这是在开始之前,而不是在对话中,因此也排除。
对应原文:Sophia did. That was OK— she helped us work out exactly what to do, for the production
答案解析:guideline是指导方针,准则的意思,替换录音中的what to do,由此确定A为答案。B选项完全没有提到。C选项则错在Sophia,而非他自己是领袖。
对应原文:Well, she found these articles from the 1950s about how relationships between children and their parents, or between the public and people like bank managers or the police were shifting
答案解析:B选项Social是对children and their parents, public and people的总结,由此确定答案。A和C都跟这些具体内容有些不沾边。
对应原文:Yes, and he had this really long speech, with the stage all dark except for one spotlight— and then that stuck somehow so it was shining on the wrong side of the stage
对应原文:Yes, so next year when you are in the second year of the course, you need to work really hard in all your theatre studies modules. Only students with marks get places — you have to prove that you know your subject really well
对应原文:Well, I decided I wanted a programme that would fit in with what I wanted to do after I graduate, so I looked for a university with emphasis on acting rather than directing for example
对应原文:Then about six months before you go, you have to email the scheme coordinator with your top three choices. I had a friend who missed the deadline and didn’t get her first choice
答案解析:deadline与on time同义替换,由此确定答案为A。雅思听力中这组同义替换经常出现,大家可以稍微注意一下。
对应原文: Right. I’ll get some of the final year students to give me some tips … maybe see if I can read what they wrote.
答案解析:录音中说,他会寻找毕业年级的学生给一些建议。G选项ask for help是对此的概括,由此确定答案。
对应原文:And while you’re abroad don’t make the mistake I made. I got so involved I forgot all about making arrangements for when I came back here for the final year
答案解析:plan与making arrangements同义替换,final year原词出现,由此确定C选项为答案。
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