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剑桥雅思10Test1听力Section2答案解析 New city developments




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剑桥雅思10 Test1 Section2听力答案解析


对应原文:Our recently refurbished fitness suite has all the latest exercise equipment including ten new running machines and a wide range of weight-training machines. 

答案解析:录音中提到,健身房最近进行了装修,增加了跑步机和一系列的举铁设备。选项A中gym与fitness suite同义替换,refurbished对应题干中的improved,由此确定答案。


对应原文:Our greatest asset is probably our swimming pool which at 25 metres isn’t Olympic-sized, but now we’ve expanded it to eight lanes, it’s much wider … Unfortunately, there isn’t space for an outdoor pool


第13题答案:health problems

对应原文:You are asked to fill in a questionnaire giving details of any health problems

答案解析:听到小标题personal assessment意识到答案即将到来。不过这道题里的空前提示词没有任何用处,只能根据词性和重读来判断答案。

第14题答案:safety rules

对应原文:The trainer will then take you through the safety rules for using the equipment in the fitness suite.

答案解析:不少同学会将trainer当成答案写上去,但题干中说的是be explained,而非explain,因此确定safety rules才是正确答案。


对应原文:At the end of the personal assessment, the trainer will draw up a plan, outlining what you should try to achieve within a six-week period



对应原文:All members must pay a joining fee of £90 in addition to the rates for the monthly membership fees

答案解析:在雅思听力中,健身房的费用往往分为三种:joining fee, monthly fee, 以及course/class fee,大家可以积累一下。

第17题答案:free entry

对应原文:Gold membership entitles you to free entry at all LP Clubs

答案解析:听到gold members意识到答案即将出现,be given与entitle同义替换,由此确定free entry(免费进入)为答案。


对应原文:Premier membership is for professional people whose work commitments make it difficult for them to use the club during the day and so LP gives booking preferences to Premier members at peak times.

答案解析:虽然premier membership可以提示我们答案即将到来,但因为它离peak太远,十分考验我们的耐心。不过只要慢慢等下去,就很容易根据hours与times的同义替换确定peak为答案。


对应原文:Premier membership is for individuals only, but you will be sent passes for guests every month.

答案解析:虽然我们在录音中找不到bring some的同义替换,但空后every month说的很明显,可以根据这一点,通过短期回忆确定guests为答案。

第20题答案:photo card/photo cards

对应原文:We provide robes and hairdryers in the changing rooms, but it’s very important to remember your photo card because you won’t be able to get in without it.

答案解析:这道题同样没有明显的提示词,只能根据词性和句义来对听到的词汇进行筛选。不过好在photo card读的还是比较重的,而且拼写也不难。

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剑桥雅思10Test1听力Section2答案解析 New city developments:等您坐沙发呢!


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