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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Farming 农耕 farming可以翻译为农耕、农活儿、农事、耕作和畜牧业 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Farming 农耕


Have you visited a farm? 你曾经参观过农场吗?

No, I haven’t. I was born and raised in the urban area of my hometown. Most of my daily activities were conducted in the city. So, I haven’t got a chance to visit a real farm. But, I want to go there if I have an opportunity in the future.


What kind of farm do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的农场?

I like big ones that are close to nature. The other day, I saw a TV commercial that depicts a giant grassy land with several dairy cattle, which I thought was pretty cool. The ad was about a milk product. This article is from Laokaoya website. I know it’s not quite real to drink the fresh milk from the cattle on the farm directly. But, the beautiful scenery that was presented on TV really made me want to visit there.


Do you think farming is important? 你认为农耕重要吗?

Yes, I do. Farming is essential, especially for people who are living in the city. You know, we all need vegetables and meat, which are largely from the farms where animals are raised and vegetables are harvested. So, without farming, people would face food shortages, which is quite terrible.


Did you do farm work when you were young? 你年轻的时候做过农活儿吗?

No, I did. Since I was born and raised in the city, I didn’t get a chance to do farm work. I know, it’s indeed a pity for me because farming is a great way to learn the knowledge of different plants. But, I hope I could someday visit a farm with friends or family in the countryside to experience some farming work.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Farming 农耕:等您坐沙发呢!


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