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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Being happy 高兴 与Happiness(幸福、高兴)相关的话题是雅 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Being happy 高兴


Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?  最近有什么事情让你感到高兴的吗?

Yes, there is. In this season, I got an opportunity to be reunited with my family during the Spring Festival. You know, I had experienced a tough year since the outbreak of the coronavirus and didn’t get back until the Lunar New year came. So, being able to enjoy this quality time with them is the most enjoyable thing for me recently.


What do you do to stay happy? 你怎么样让自己保持开心?

I once chose to be a monk-like person who achieves happiness by being empty in mind. However, I felt it was quite difficult for me to do so. Now, this article is from Laokaoya website, the only workable way of staying happy for me is focusing on the positive things which give me hope and courage. Then, keeping a happy mindset is not that challenging.


Can you stay happy all the time? 你能够一直保持开心的状态吗?

Honestly, no. So far, I haven’t found a way of being happy all the time. You know, it needs a strong mindset to do so. But, I hope I could someday find an implementable method to gain sustainable happiness.


Is it important to be happy? 开心重要吗?

Yes, it is. Happiness helps people do things such as work or study effectively. This optimism gives people a snippet of hope when they experience the darkness of their lives. You know, with this kind of positive mindset, they won’t be distracted by the obstacles, and can thus put their whole heart into doing things.



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