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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Getting up early 早起 与早起相关的话题曾经在雅思口语第二部分 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Getting up early 早起


Do you often get up early in the morning?

Yes, I do. I often get up early during the weekdays to attend the morning classes that start at eight. To be honest, I feel it’s quite tiring to do so. But, I’m glad that Saturday and Sunday give me the freedom of enjoying the morning on my bed.


What do you usually do when you get up early?

Well, when I get up early, the first big thing I would do is having some breakfast. I usually cook for myself at home because it’s healthy. Besides, this article is from Laokaoya website, I would go to the morning classes during the weekdays as some courses that I choose are taught during that period of time.


Do you get up early on weekends?

No, I don’t. The main reason why I don’t do so is that I really want to make the most of the mornings of weekends to have some quality sleep. You know, I have to get up early during the weekdays to have morning classes, which is quite tiring. So, weekends are wonderful days for me to restore my energy.


Which morning do you like best in a week?

I feel that mornings of the weekends are my favorite. You know, they are the only two mornings that are mostly under my control. I usually take this opportunity to sleep longer as I barely have extra time to sleep late during the weekdays.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Getting up early 早起:等您坐沙发呢!


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