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雅思口语Part3: What kind of picture would you like to hang […]

雅思口语Part3: What kind of picture would you like to hang in your bedroom? 你想在你的卧室挂什么相片?

That’s an interesting question. Actually, I haven’t thought about that before. You know it was quite long ago that our family had once put a family album in a bedroom of our old home. Now, we don’t have one in our room. But, if I have to hang one there, maybe I would like to put a picture which was taken during a trip to the Great Wall with my parents. You know that is the only recent photo I have taken with my family.


Next: 为什么一些人喜欢拍照,一些人不喜欢拍照?

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雅思口语Part3: What kind of picture would you like to hang in your bedroom? 你想在你的卧室挂什么相片?:等您坐沙发呢!


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