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剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part1参考答案 Friends朋友 虽然朋友这个话题出现在在剑雅早期真题当中, […]


剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part1参考答案 Friends朋友


Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? (Why?) 你多数的朋友是和你一个年龄的还是不同年纪的?(为什么?)

Most of them are my peers. I feel that this is mainly because I am currently a student in college/senior high. You know, most of my time is spent at school with my classmates. So, I can’t possibly get to know lots of people of different ages.


Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? (Why?) 你经常看在周内还是在周末看望你的朋友们?(为什么?)

I often meet my friends during the weekends. I guess the main reason is that I am mostly free only during that time slot. You know, I have to attend classes from Monday to Friday, but the weekends are totally mine and thus create more opportunities for me to socialize with others.


The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together? 上一次与你朋友们相见的时候,你们一起在做什么?

If my memory was correct, the last time I saw them was on last Saturday. Two of my best friends at school invited me to play some computer games at the Internet cafe for fun. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, we hadn’t played them for quite a while. Also, we went to a hot pot restaurant in the city center for dinner after that, which really made my day.


In what ways are your friends important to you? 朋友对你有着什么样的重要性?

I suppose the most important thing is that friends are my companions who can give me spiritual support. You know, when I am feeling down or lonely, I need someone to fall back on. And, they are the perfect option apart from my parents. Besides, they are important mentors for me. They always have some merits that I can learn from.


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剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part3参考答案 history 历史

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剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part1参考答案 Friends朋友:等您坐沙发呢!


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