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雅思口语part1答案范文解析: Travel (space travel) 旅行/太空旅行 Do you w […]


雅思口语part1答案范文解析: Travel (space travel) 旅行/太空旅行

Do you want to travel in the outer space?


Yes, of course. Ever since I was a little child, I have frequently gazed at the stars at night, sometimes even for hours. I wonder what there are in the universe and whether there are aliens. If I have the chance to travel in the outer space, I would take it without hesitation so that I can find the answers by myself.


What would you do if you had that opportunity?


Well, first of all, I would probably spend a little time to appreciate the view of the earth. I have seen several pictures of it taken from the space stations, but I want to see for myself what it actually looks like. Then I would embark on the journey to find aliens and probably start a legendary journey.


Do you think it is necessary to see other planets?


Yes, I do believe so. By doing this and comparing it to the earth, we can gain a better understanding of the planet we are living on. This article is from laokaoya website. Also, on other planets, there may be some valuable resources which can be used to promote the development of our world.

When was the last time you went traveling?

About a year ago during the summer vacation. I went to Jinan to visit my brother, who works there. He showed me Baotuquan, the most famous spring in China and other fascinating attractions. I had a great time there.


Do you like to travel by air?

Actually, I do not like it, because I always experience a pain in my ear when the plane takes off and lands. But it is still the quickest way to travel and sometimes I do not have a choice, especially when I am going to another country.

事实上, 我并不喜欢。因为当飞机起飞或者着陆的时候我总会在耳朵里感到一阵疼痛。但是,飞机仍然是最快的旅行方式,并且有时候我并没有其他选择,特别是要去其他国家的时候 。


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雅思口语part1答案范文解析: Travel (space travel) 旅行/太空旅行:等您坐沙发呢!


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