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2021年4月17日雅思考试答案 今天考试难度貌似相当一般,甚至有不少同学表示还挺简单的。唯一比较出乎意料的是 […]






Part 1 机场投诉与解决办法


1-3 填空

1. address: 33 hillcrest

2. postcode: PG149BU

telephone number: 0209853677

4-6 选择

4. what aspect of the flight does he complain about

C. temperature

5. what opinion about the food?

A. food is not enough to eat

6. what opinion about the services?

C. keep him waiting (comment on services)

7-10 填空

7-8. what is satisfying is security and entertainment facilities

9. one is 20 percent discount in hotel fees

10. the other is calling phone card worth of 20 pounds

Part 2 新学期学校布局


11-15 地图

11. library: I

12. playground: C

13. car park: A

14. new building: G

15. new classroom: E

16-20 匹配

16. if still making bad behaviors, taking them to: E. Mars Mac

17. 有什么严格的问题先找:D. Ms Banks (存疑)

18. drop out of school, go to see: G. Mr Thomas

19. if problems have been solved, go to see: B. Dr Wilson

20. 补课老师: A. Ms Smith (存疑)

Part 3 生态旅游与普通旅游比较


21-27 填空

Normal tourism Eco-tourism
Destination Famous iconic sites 21. prefer to go to undeveloped areas
Accommodation International chain 22-23. a range of accommodations owned by community
Labor relations According to the national law 24. provide training
Holiday 25. go to see the big five 26. visit literacy projects and housing projects
environment Polluted by traffic 27. visitors join in the conservation of environment

28-30 多选

28-30. the tutors think they should include more information on

B. sustainable development

C. full definition of eco-tourism

F. disadvantage of tourism

Part 4 儿童智力发展研究

31. too much emphasis on getting a qualification

32. the government should have less influence on teaching

33. boys in particular need a new type of school

34. children in small schools are happier

35. lessons are organized like a meeting

36. a boy interested in music end up in business

37. preparing for entering university

38. also pay attention to college education

39. parents are important in developing children’s reading skills

40. conclusions are that most children are better at relationships


2021年1-4月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2021年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Young people do not spend their holiday and weekend doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing in the natural environment. Why? And how to encourage them to go out?

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2021年4月17日雅思考试答案 阅读第二篇重现练习原文:等您坐沙发呢!


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