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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Flowers 鲜花 雅思口语第一部分曾经出现过与植物相关的话题,这次的题目内 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Flowers 鲜花


What kinds of flowers do you know?  你了解哪些种类的花儿?

I don’t know much about flowers but I am particularly aware of the rose which I guess is one of the most popular flowers among youngsters. They usually sent them to their beloved ones.


Are there any flowers that have special meanings in China? 在中国有什么富含特殊意义的花儿吗?

Yes, there are. As far as I know, in Chinese culture, lotus symbolizes ultimate purity of the heart and mind and perfection. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, it grows from the mud but has an uncontaminated appearance. So, the Chinese usually use this flower to represent the good quality of a person.


Have you planted any flowers? 你曾经种过花儿吗?

No, I haven’t. Both my parents and I are quite busy working and studying. So, we don’t have flowers at home. But, I know from my friends that planting flowers has a lot of fun. So, I hope I could have some next year after graduation.


Have you sent flowers to others? 你曾经给别人送过花吗?

Yes, I have. I bought some carnations decorated with some other plants as a Women’s Day gift for my mother last March. My mom was on top of the world. You know, it was the first time I sent flowers to her.



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