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2021年10月9日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part4 今天大家的吐槽主要集中在听力部分,认为其不仅语速较快,而 […]

2021年10月9日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part4


P.S. 今天我们的雅思听力预测中了Part4。听力预测一般提前一周才会出,每部分20篇,一共80篇,只适用于大陆地区的考试,不中退款,有需要的同学可以点击下方链接了解详情:老烤鸭雅思听力考试预测


Part 1 旅游咨询


1. contact phone number: 07958477022

2. best time to call: Thursday morning

3. number of people travelling: 7

4. date of return: 22 November

5. purpose of the trip: wedding

6. special requirement: one passenger cannot eat cheese

7. last county visited: India

8. purpose of last foreign trip: business

9. consumer’s comment on the website: too slow

10. email address: carter.s@speedtech.com

Part 2 操场翻修


Part 3 reflective journal


21-25 选择

21. what does Part 1 should first include?

B. studying aims for the module

22. how does the man improve his communication skill?

C. a range of resources to show him an effective communicator

23. what was the man’s biggest achievement in the past?

B. he got an offer to lead a team

24. how could he improve his ability?

C. decide to listen to others

25. what is the man’s attitude after the discussion?

B. he is looking forward to it

26. 男的应该在他的reflective journal中展示什么?

A. self-awareness

27-30 匹配

27. essay: define/find a problem

28. exam: gain confidence

29. class note: find a weakness in learning

30.presentation note/mind-map: learn something from it

Part 4 棱皮龟研究


31. The advantageous shape of this type of turtle helps them move undersea.

32. one special feature of the turtle is that the shell is not boney but soft.

33. it can sleep in the water for several hours before feeding

34. it was fed on food high in protein

35. researchers sent sailing boats to catch leatherback turtles then attached tracking devices to them to study the migration in the Atlantic Ocean

36. When the turtle reaches the surface, the tracking device transmits a signal

37. the device can not only monitor the location and depth the turtle stays

38. the device should be charged to avoid running out of power

39. After tracing it for 2 months, researchers found no damage or crack in her shell.

40. but it moves very slowly to save energy


2021年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2021年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football. But others think taking part in individual sports is better, like swimming. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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2021年10月9日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part4:等您坐沙发呢!


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