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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思15 Test 4 Passage 2 口哨语言



剑桥雅思15Test4Passage2阅读原文翻译 Silbo Gomero – the whistle language of the Canary Islands 加那利群岛的口哨语言

剑桥雅思15Test4Passage2阅读答案解析 Silbo Gomero – the whistle language of the Canary Islands 口哨语言


transmit v. 传输,传递

例句:The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries. 典礼通过卫星向五十多个国家进行了实况转播。

activate v. 激活,使活动

例句:Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement. 带夜视镜的摄像机一有动静就会启动。

dedicated adj. 投入的, 专心致志的

例句:She is dedicated to her job. 她对工作专心致志。

isolate v. 隔离,孤立

例句:Patients with the disease should be isolated. 这种病的患者应予以隔离。

engage v. 参与,吸引

例句:She tried desperately to engage him in conversation. 她用尽办法要他跟她谈话。

obscure adj. 模糊的,不清楚的,晦涩的

例句:I found her lecture very obscure. 我觉得她的讲座非常费解。

extinction n. 灭绝,灭亡

例句:The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction. 居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。

preserve v. 保存,保护

例句:Efforts to preserve the peace have failed. 维护和平的努力失败了。

steep adj. 陡峭的

例句:The path grew steeper as we climbed higher. 我们越往上爬路就越陡。

slope n. 斜坡

例句:The town is built on a slope. 这座城建在斜坡上。

signal n. 信号

例句:The siren was a signal for everyone to leave the building. 警报器一响,就是要所有人离开大楼。

distinguish v. 区分

例句:I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded agitated. 我听不清她说的话,但老烤鸭听得出她很紧张不安。

hemisphere n. 半球

例句:In most people, the left hemisphere is bigger than the right. 多数人的左脑比右脑大。

indigenous adj. 本土的,土著的

例句:This is the indigenous system of medicine in India. 这是印度本土的医学体系.

conquer v. 征服,功课

例句:The only way to conquer a fear is to face it. 克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。

fluent adj. 流畅的

例句:He speaks fluent Russian. 他说一口流利的俄语。

survival n. 存活,幸存

例句:His only chance of survival was a heart transplant. 只有进行心脏移植,他才有望活下去。

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