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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Lost and find 丢失与寻找 丢失和寻找丢失物品,这样的事情在我们生 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Lost and find 丢失与寻找


What will you do if you find something lost by others? 如果你捡到了别人丢失的东西,你会怎么做?

Well, I’ll probably check if there’s contact information in the lost stuff. For instance, if there’s a phone number in a purse, I will dial the number first. But, if there’s nothing like this, I would leave it where it exits as I believe it’s easier for them to get it back when they realised that they’ve lost it.


Do you report to the police when finding something lost by others? Why? 当你发现了别人丢失的东西时,你会汇报给警察吗?为什么?

Yes, I do. I usually call the police when I find something that is significantly expensive or important. The reason why I do so is that those things are too valuable to handle by myself. This article is from Laokaoya website. You know, I don’t want to get into trouble with the matters associated with the lost items.


Have you ever lost things? 你曾经丢失过东西吗?

Yes, I have. I lost my schoolbag when I took my last IELTS exam. You know, when I was about to pick up my backpack after taking the speaking test, I just couldn’t find it. But luckily, there weren’t many valuable things inside it.


Will you post on social media if you lose your item? 如果你丢失了物品,你会发消息到社交媒体上吗?

It depends. I post on social media for help only when I lost something that is extremely important to me. You know, I don’t want to bother my friends or waste the public social connection resource to help me resolve trivial matters. I’d rather figure them out myself.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Lost and find 丢失与寻找:等您坐沙发呢!


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