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剑桥雅思9 G类 TestA Section2阅读答案解析 Formal Dress Code For Com […]

剑桥雅思9 G类 TestA Section2阅读答案解析 Formal Dress Code For Company Employees

剑桥雅思9 G类部分TestA Section2第一篇文章的主题为某公司的着装要求。具体内容包括大体的指导原则,鞋子,装饰品,化妆,帽子,以及惩罚措施等。下面是每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思9 G类 TestA Section2阅读答案解析


第15题答案:professional image

对应原文:第1段:At TransitEuropean, the company’s objective in establishing a formal dress code is to enable our employees to project the professional image that is in keeping with the needs of our clients

答案解析:根据aim与objective的对应定位到第1段的这句话,空前提示词present与project同义替换,由此确定答案为professional image。


对应原文:第2段:Clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled.

答案解析:第2段中说了许多穿衣的禁止事项,正面描述要求的只有should be pressed,再加上should与must对应,be动词原词不变,很容易锁定pressed为正确答案。


对应原文:第4段:The wearing of ties, scarves, belts, and jewelry is encouraged, this article is from laokaoya website, provided they are tasteful. Items which are flashy should be avoided.


第18题答案:allergic reactions

对应原文:第5段:some employees may have allergic reactions to the chemicals in perfumes and makeup

答案解析:根据make up与perfume定位到第5段。题目问的是,香水和化妆有时会引发什么问题。全段中只有allergic reactions填上去语义合适,由此确定其为正确答案。

第19题答案:cultural tradition

对应原文:第6段:Head covers that are required for reasons of faith or to honor cultural tradition are permitted.

答案解析:根据hats和head covers定位到第6段,faith对应religious reasons,由并列关系确定cultural tradition为正确答案。

第20题答案:company logo

对应原文:第7段:Clothing that has our company logo is strongly encouraged.

答案解析:根据Fridays定位到第7段,encouraged与题目中recommended这一提示词对应,由被动语态确定答案为company logo。

第21题答案:verbal warning

对应原文:第8段:If the problem persists, the employee will receive a verbal warning and may be sent home to change clothes.

答案解析:第8段讲述了违反穿衣规则的处罚。根据repeatedly ignored与persists的对应定位到这句话。题目中用的被动语态,原文中则是主动,由given与receive很容易确定verbal warning为正确答案。

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