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剑桥雅思9 G类 TestB Section1阅读答案解析 Train Travel Information […]

剑桥雅思9 G类 TestB Section1阅读答案解析 Train Travel Information

剑桥雅思9 G类部分TestB Section1第二篇文章的主题为火车出行信息。具体内容包括不同的票务类型,折扣、注意事项、改签与退款等。下面是每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思9 G类 TestB Section1阅读答案解析


第8题答案:25 per cent

对应原文:Only one discount may apply to each fare.


第9题答案:Sales Department

对应原文:If you would like to charter a train, this article is from laokaoya website, or make reservations for over 25 passengers traveling together, call the Sales Department.

答案解析:根据large groups people与over 25 passengers的对应定位到文末的这句话,空前词get in touch with与call同义替换,由此确定答案为Sales Department。

第10题答案:15 per cent

对应原文:Tickets may be refunded not later than 5 minutes before the departure of the train for a charge of 15% of the ticket price


第11题答案:10 per cent

对应原文:or the journey may be changed to another day for a charge of 10% of the ticket price.


第12题答案:same day returns

对应原文:Not applicable to same day returns

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,原文提到这一优惠措施不适用于同天返回的车次。题干提示词do not apply对应not appliacable,由此确定答案为same day returns。

第13题答案:dates times

对应原文:When you buy your ticket it is up to you to check that the dates and times of the journey on it are exactly as you requested.

答案解析:原文提到,顾客购买车票时要自己核对旅途的日期和时间与自己的需求是否一致。其中up to you对应the passenger’s responsibility,check对应make sure,由此确定答案为dates and times。

第14题答案:2 minutes

对应原文:Ticket control and access to each train platform will be open until 2 minutes before departure of the train.

答案解析:检票处和站台入口会在火车出发前两分钟关闭。也就是说乘客必须提前两分钟到达,由此确定2 minutes为正确答案。

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/51332.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

剑桥雅思9 G类 TestB Section1阅读答案解析 Train Travel Information:等您坐沙发呢!


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