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剑桥雅思9 G类 TestA Section3阅读答案解析 Out of the ashes

剑桥雅思9 G类部分TestA Section3这篇文章的主题为阿帕克宅地所遭遇的火灾与灾后重建。具体内容包括火灾的严重程度,藏品所受到的影响,关于重建的争论等。下面是每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思9 G类 TestA Section3阅读答案解析



对应原文:C段:first of all marking the site out into a grid and then salvaging everything down to the last door handle. The position of each fragment was recorded, and all the debris was stored in countless dustbins before being sifted and categorised.



对应原文:B段:The following morning … amongst the smoke. It was a scene of utter devastation.

答案解析:因为文章根据时间顺序展开,所以根据B段开头的the following morning即可得知这一段是在描述火灾后的情况。最后更是对灾后状况进行了总结 – 一副遭到彻底破坏的惨像,由此确定答案为B。


对应原文:G段:invest time and money in upgrading water and heating systems, installing modern environmental controls, and updating fire and security equipment



对应原文:F段:The search for craftsmen and women capable of doing the intricate restoration work was nationwide.

答案解析:F段开头就提到在全国范围内寻找手工艺人进行修复工作。其中search对应selection,craftsmen and women对应people,do对应carry out,restoration对应rebuilt,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:E段:after consulting many experts and with the agreement of the National Trust’s Executive Committee, the restoration program began. It was undertaken for three main reasons.

答案解析:E段中部提到,“在咨询了许多专家,并经过National Trust执行委员会的同意之后,重建项目开始了。该项目之所以得以建立是由于以下三个主要原因”。对应题目中的why,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:H段:But the debate will no doubt continue as to whether or not it was right to repair the house after the fire.


第34题答案:August 31st

对应原文:A段:For a year builders had been replacing the lead on the roof, this article is from laokaoya website, and by a stroke of irony, were due to finish the next day, on August 31st

答案解析:根据1989和roof定位到文章的A段,原文中问的是屋顶的完工日期。finish对应completed,由此确定答案为August 31st。

第35题答案:human chain/chains

对应原文:A段:But … who formed human chains to pass the precious pieces of porcelain, furniture and paintings out onto the lawn, 95 per cent of the contents from the ground floor and the basement were saved.

答案解析:根据resuced与saved的对应定位到A段的这句话。题目问的是使用什么方法,原文中填上去语义合适的只有human chains,由此确定其为正确答案。

第36题答案:blotting paper

对应原文:A段:local stationers were especially opened to provide the bulk supplies of blotting paper so desperately needed in the salvage operation.

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,发现the bulk supplies of与large quantities of同义替换,根据修饰关系确定答案为blotting paper。

第37题答案:(countless) dustbins

对应原文:C段:all the debris was stored in countless dustbins before being sifted and categorised.

答案解析:C段具体描述了灾后抢救的方法,根据material与debris的同义替换定位到这句话。into对应in,由此确定答案为countless dustbins。


对应原文:D段:Twenty minutes later the ceiling fell in.



对应原文:E段:Also the property was covered by insurance, so the repairs would not call upon the National Trust’s own funds.



对应原文:F段:This has had enormous benefits because not only have a number of highly skilled people come to the fore – woodcarvers, for example, following in the footsteps of Grinling Gibbons


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剑桥雅思9 G类 TestA Section3阅读答案解析 Out of the ashes:等您坐沙发呢!


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