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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Happy things 快乐的事情 开心的事情不分大小。我们既可以说自己最近 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Happy things 快乐的事情


Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately? 最近有什么让你开心的事情吗?

Yes, I have just received a conditional offer from The University of Manchester three weeks ago. Although I did submit the application, I had never thought it would actually catch the attention of the admission officer. In fact, I checked the email several times to make sure I did not get it wrong.


What made you happy when you were little? 小时候,什么能让你开心?

As a child who had a sweet tooth, I would be overwhelmed by joy when my parents brought home candies because my mother had set a strict quota on the number of sweets I could have in a week.


What do you think will make you feel happy in the future? 你觉得未来什么会让你开心?

A lot of things, like graduating from the university, finding a decent job, and marrying the love of my life. But in the near future, I will be overjoyed if I can get the IELTS bands that satisfy the threshold of the university of Manchester.


When do you feel happy at work? Why? 你在工作中什么时候会感到开心?为什么?

I do not know. I am still a student and do not have any work experience. But I guess I will feel happy when I receive positive feedback from my superior. This article is from laokaoya website. It means my work gets recognized and I make contributions to the team.


Do you feel happy when buying new things? 买新东西时会感到开心吗?

Yes, especially when I buy new clothes. I will put them on once I return home and appreciate my new image in front of the mirror. I will also show it to my parents, boyfriend, and friends, waiting for their compliments.


Do you think people are happy when buying new things? 你觉得人们在买新东西时开心吗?

Yes, I think so. They can now get rid of the old items and do a little upgrade. In fact, the joy after purchasing new things may be the primary reason for people to work hard to earn money.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Happy things 快乐的事情:等您坐沙发呢!


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