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2023年4月8日雅思考试答案 今天考试貌似难度一般,没有看到很多同学吐槽。听力部分一切正常,阅读部分的匹配则 […]




Part 1 旅游


1. there are a large number of birds

2. special accommodation: tent

3. final destination: mountains

4. also have a view on the way to the cave

5. have lunch by the waterfall

6. activity in the evening: have a swim

7. you can ride a horse, but you should not have back problems

8. there is a path, and you should wear walking boots

9. you can have a discount if you book online

10. have a good relationship with the insurance company

Part 2 介绍两层楼的美术馆


11-17. 地图

Level 1

11. meeting point, where they are standing now, in the middle of level-1, which displays the figures of local heroes

12. left room is the recent reward

13. the room at the top-right corner is the learning zone

14. then the mid-right room is a member restaurant

15. bottom right is the gallery shop

Level 2

16. take the lift up to the second floor, you will see the display of the historical photos

17. top mini lecture room is the cinema zone

18-20 选择

18. What is the best option if you are with the family

A. science museum

19. what is the minimal size of the family if you want to buy the family ticket

B. 1 adult and 2 children

20. how many days are valid with XXX pass

D. 3 days

Part 3 足球队的发展历史


21-25 选择

21. where did you find the definition of oral history

C. handouts from previous lectures

22. what is the most important influence of internet on oral history?

A. permanent recordings

23. why does Mike choose this topic?

B. his father loves football

24. where did they find the data of historical record

B. local newspaper achieves

25. where did Mike find the players’ information

C. phone book

26-30 匹配


26. questions on the draft: F. too complicated

27. time of answering: B. too long

28. recording equipment: A. not reliable

29. this topic: G. too vague/need to be more specific

30. proposed report: E. too factual/rely too much on facts

Part 4 医院的调查问卷


31-40 填空


31. transport is convenient

32. the building should be clean

33. provide some information prior to treatment


34. 给当地的doctors和医务人员建设网站

35. award staff with an effective bonus

36. help visitors assess the hospital

37. assess communication from all levels


38. patients with sleep disturbance

39. and also for plastic surgery patients


40. improved planning surgery


2023年1-4月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2023年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Some people think hosting major international sporting events brings a lot of advantages to a country, while others believe there are more disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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2023年4月8日雅思考试答案 今天好像不难的样子:等您坐沙发呢!


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