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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a successful small company you kn […]

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a successful small company you know 描述一家成功的小公司


这道题目在曾经二零一五年的时候考到过,这次算是重现江湖。本题的难度系数适中,需要大家选取一个合适的公司题材进行讲述。这道题目对于大家来说可能有一个难点,那就是什么样的公司称得上是small company(小公司)而不是big company (大公司)呢?其实,在老烤鸭小编老师看来是没有一个确切的定义的,官方也没有做明确的要求。因此,大家避免提及类似中石油、中石化、工商银行、阿里巴巴淘宝、微软、腾讯等明显的大型公司就好。小型的公司可以是你家乡的小公司也可以是不太具有全国规模的公司即可。老烤鸭小编建议大家在看完题目之后多给自己几分钟的时间口语思考并练习一下再看参考范文并进行再次练习和学习。


Describe a successful small company you know

You should say

What it is

How you know it

How it becomes successful

How you feel about it




A successful small company that I know is called Heytea, which is founded by Nie Yunchen, who was a young gentleman born after 1990 in China.


Heytea has now been one of the most well-received milk tea brands in China. It has an array of products made of milk and tea. The biggest news I’ve heard about this Heytea is that a customer has waited for almost 7 hours in line to get one cup of their milk tea, which was really a heated discussion on the Internet.


I didn’t know this brand till a friend of mine told me this crazily long customer lining. Then, I went to one of their stores to have a taste. This article is from Laokaoya website. The flavor didn’t give me a huge surprise, actually. But, I was indeed satisfied with their customer service at that time. The cashier was nice and gave me some recommendations on what to choose from their products.


Well, I think one of the reasons why it becomes successful is that the owner, Nie, had total devotion to de Heytea’s product development that tries to satisfy customers’ appetites. Most importantly, I think Heytea has an excellent marketing team that has promoted this brand to a higher level and made it well-known by more people than their competitors.


I am very surprised by their instant fame, and I hope they could continue providing good products to their customers.


Part 3 追加问题

Which do you prefer, family firms or non-family ones?

What are the important factors in making a company successful?

What kinds of qualities should a successful businessman have?

What emerging industries do you know?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17150.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a successful small company 成功的小公司:等您坐沙发呢!


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