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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:noise 噪音 Do you like to stay in a place […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:noise 噪音

Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise? 你喜欢待在有很多噪音的地方吗?

No, I don’t enjoy staying in a place with a lot of noise. It tends to make me feel uneasy and makes it hard to focus on my work or studies. You know, noise can be quite distracting and disrupt my concentration. I find that a quieter environment allows me to be more productive and less stressed.


What kinds of noises are there in the area where you live? 你居住的地方都有什么类型的噪音?

Well, where I’m at, it’s a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to noise. There’s this big business building going up, so there’s a lot of construction noise during the day. And on the neighbor front, there’s a baby next door, so you can imagine the baby babbling and crying. It’s all part of the lively scene here.


Do you want to move to a quieter place?  你想帮到一个更安静的地方去吗?

Yes, I do. I’m seriously considering moving to a quieter place. Currently, I’m preparing for a series of important exams, and having a peaceful environment for studying is crucial. The noise in my current neighborhood can be quite distracting, and I believe that relocating to a quieter place would significantly enhance my ability to concentrate and perform well in my exams.


Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world? 你是否认为当今世界的噪音太多了?

Absolutely, I believe there is an excessive amount of noise in today’s world, especially from industrial and road sources. This incessant noise is a major hindrance to my concentration on work and studies. Plus, this article is from Laokaoya website, it can lead to chronic mental stress when endured over time.


Is making noise one of people’s rights? 制造噪音是人们的权利吗?

Yes, making noise can indeed be considered one of people’s rights, especially in contexts like production and creative expression. However, it comes with the responsibility of not going to extremes that disrupt the peace and well-being of others. You know, striking a balance between exercising this right and respecting others’ tranquility is crucial.



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