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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:robots 机器人 从剑桥雅思词典的释义上来看,只要是被电脑操控用来自动执行 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:robots 机器人


Are robots important? 机器人重要吗?

Yes, they are. Robots are undeniably essential in our modern world. They play a pivotal role in boosting working efficiency across various industries. Robots can perform repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers for more creative and strategic roles. Their precision and reliability contribute to higher productivity and quality.


Would robots affect people’s lives? 机器人会影响到人类的生活吗?

Certainly, robots are poised to significantly impact people’s lives, and largely for the better. They have the potential to automate tedious tasks, enhance productivity, and improve safety across various industries. This article is from Laokaoya webiste. This technological advancement can free up human resources for more creative and complex roles, ultimately leading to higher efficiency and improved quality of life.


Have you ever watched a movie about robots? 你曾经看过与机器人相关的电影吗?

Yes, I have. One notable film I enjoyed is “Bicentennial Man.” It explores the journey of a robot named Andrew who aspires to become human. The movie delves into profound themes of identity, humanity, and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. It left a lasting impression on me, prompting me to contemplate the evolving relationship between humans and robots.


Should we let a robot drive us for long journeys? 我们应该让机器人来给我们进行长途驾驶吗?

Indeed, we should consider letting robots handle long journeys. Humans often suffer from fatigue during extended drives, leading to potential accidents. Robots, on the other hand, do not experience exhaustion and can maintain consistent attention. They offer a safer and more reliable option for long-distance travel.


What can robots do for you at home? 机器人在家里可以为你做什么?

Well, they can for sure help me with household chores. They can perform various tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, and even childcare. Robotic vacuum cleaners, for instance, ensure spotless floors, while automated kitchen appliances simplify cooking. Their assistance in daily tasks not only saves time but also makes life more convenient and efficient.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:robots 机器人:等您坐沙发呢!


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