雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a time when someone who did quite well in a team (e.g. schoolwork or a community) 描述一位给力的队友/优秀的团队成员/在团队中发挥出色的人
本话题卡的题干没有太多复杂的信息,关键词在于team member以及worked with。也就是说,你所描述的团队成员是要与你共过事。同时,这里的团队成员并没有限定具体的身份。因此,你可以描述普通队友或者队长。至于团队所经历的事情也没有具体的限定,同学们可以描述自己在学校或者公司加入的团队,也可以描述自己在生活或者旅游中参与的那种休闲娱乐为目的的团队活动所认识的给力队友。
Describe a time when someone who did quite well in a team (e.g. schoolwork or a community)
You should say:
Who this person is
When you worked together
What he/she did in the team
And explain why you think he/she was a great team member
An outstanding team member I collaborated with was Wang Dong, my college classmate during the first year.
As far as my memory serves me, we both enrolled in the same statistics course during the second semester of that academic year. I distinctly recall our instructor being quite demanding, assigning numerous tasks and projects after each session. One particular group project proved to be particularly challenging, this article is from Laokaoya website, requiring us to conduct a field study on a subject about which we had no prior knowledge. This was a substantial undertaking for our group, necessitating extensive research to produce academically credible work.
Wang, like the rest of us, had to start from scratch in his research efforts. However, what set him apart and garnered gratitude from me and our fellow team members was his leadership charisma. Wang’s presence made our group project significantly more efficient than those of our peers. You know, his compassion and willingness to guide us through challenging information were invaluable. Acting as a liaison, he facilitated communication with both our instructor and other group members, ensuring we remained well-informed compared to our classmates. Surprisingly, our project received top scores, securing the first position in our class—an outcome I hadn’t anticipated at the project’s outset.
Well, I suppose the primary reason Wang excelled as a team member was his outstanding leadership. Whenever tasks extended beyond our individual responsibilities, Wang willingly stepped forward to take the lead. This innate talent contributed significantly to our group’s overall success.
Part 3 追加问题
What qualities should a leader have?
What should people do without a good team leader?
Why do some people dislike teamwork?
Do you think young people are good team players?