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Governments should spend money on saving languages of f […]

Governments should spend money on saving languages of few speakers 雅思写作语言类7分范文



Some people believe governments should spend money on saving languages of few speakers from dying out. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.




The preservation of endangered languages is a contentious issue, with opinions diverging on whether governments should allocate funds towards this endeavor or consider it a misuse of financial resources. This essay will explore both perspectives and present arguments in support of each, followed by an articulation of my own viewpoint.


On one hand, proponents of saving endangered languages argue that linguistic diversity is a crucial aspect of cultural heritage. These languages encapsulate unique worldviews, histories, and cultural nuances that contribute to the rich tapestry of human civilization. This article is from laokaoya website. Governments investing in the documentation, education, and revitalization of these languages are seen as stewards of cultural preservation, ensuring that the wisdom and traditions encoded in these linguistic frameworks are not lost to future generations.


Conversely, critics of such expenditures contend that governments should prioritize more pressing issues, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. They argue that the limited pool of financial resources should be directed towards endeavors that have a more immediate and tangible impact on the well-being and progress of society. From this perspective, saving languages spoken by a small number of individuals may seem like a luxury when compared to the urgent needs of a broader population.


In my opinion, a balanced approach is essential. While it is undeniable that governments have a responsibility to address pressing societal issues, the preservation of endangered languages should not be dismissed as an imprudent use of resources. Linguistic diversity is a vital component of global cultural heritage, and losing a language means forfeiting a unique perspective on the world. Therefore, a judicious allocation of funds that considers both immediate needs and the preservation of cultural diversity is warranted.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/58559.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

Governments should spend money on saving languages of few speakers 雅思写作语言类7分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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