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雅思口语Part3: Do you agree that men are more obsessed with […]

雅思口语Part3: Do you agree that men are more obsessed with new technology than women?


我完全认同男性比女性更为科技着迷这个观点。我就是其中一位。我认为那人们为科技而着迷的一个原因就是科技可以让事物变得更加有可玩性同时又有乐趣。比方说,外星人电脑这种玩意,对于女士们来说完全不感冒,而且还重,而对于男人们来说能调动起他们的兴趣。因为电脑的性能好,可以用它来做很多有趣的事情,比如打游戏,编程以及视频制作等。这个多合一的电子产品让他们的生活更加增添了乐趣。Totally agree with that. I’m one of these guys. I think the reason why men are more fascinated with new technology is that technology can make things to be more playable and interesting.  For instance, Alienware laptop, this article is from laokaoya website, is generally not ladies’ cup of tea and is extremely heavy for them, but it might stimulate men’s interest because of its excellent performance, they might use this heavy machine to do lots of interesting things like gaming, programming, and video editing. This all-in-one electronic device brings them much fun in life.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/7069.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part3: Do you agree that men are more obsessed with new technology than women? 你同意男性比女性更加为科技着迷吗?:等您坐沙发呢!


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