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雅思口语part1答案范文解析 cooking 做饭 Have you ever cooked? 你曾经做过饭 […]

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 cooking 做饭

Have you ever cooked?


Yes, I have cooked many times. When I was home during the summer vacation, I was actually responsible for my whole family’s meals, because my parents were very busy and they did not have time to prepare food.


Do you like cooking?


Yes, to some extent. I like cooking for others. Seeing them enjoying what I have prepared is the happiest thing. But I am often reluctant to cook if I am alone. I feel like it is not worth the effort.


Do you want to learn how to cook?

Yes, I do. Cooking is not only a basic surviving skill, but also something that can significantly improve your happiness in everyday life. This article is from laokaoya website. I am actually planning to learn cooking in some school to perfect my cooking skills.


Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?


Well, it highly depends on what the food is. Some dishes are a piece of cake and I can make them effortlessly. But there are also others that need to go through a range of complicated procedures. They are definitely beyond my capability.



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