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雅思口语part3: What is the difference between teenagers and […]

雅思口语part3: What is the difference between teenagers and children


The most significant difference between these two groups of people is age. Teenagers are often referred to as adolescents, whose age usually ranges from 13 to 20. By contrast, children are often used to describe people around 10 years old. It is a stage before the teenagers in a person’s growth. Moreover, their daily activities are different. Children are often busy with games and gradually developing their own impression of the world, while the teenagers’ time is often occupied with study and hanging out with friends.

两个人群之间最大的差别在于年龄。年轻人通常用来指青春期的少年。他们的年龄一般在13到20岁之间。相比之下,孩子通常用于形容10岁左右的人。 它是一个人在生长过程中青少年之前的阶段。此外,他们的日常活动也不同。孩子通常忙于游戏,并逐渐形成他们自己对世界的印象,而青少年的时间则通常被学习和与朋友玩耍占据。

点击返回Describe a teenager you know

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雅思口语part3: What is the difference between teenagers and children 青少年和孩子之间有何不同:等您坐沙发呢!


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