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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a place you know where people go to […]

雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theater or a music hall) 描述人们听音乐的地方,例如剧院或者音乐厅




You should say:

Where it is  它在哪

What kind of music is performed there  那里通常都会表演什么类型的音乐

What type of people to there  什么样的人会去哪里

Why people go there  人们为什么要去那

And explain how you feel about this place  解释你觉得那个地方怎么样


The concert hall I am going to tell you is National Centre for the Performing Arts. It is located at the Center of Beijing, to the west of Tian’anmen Square, with a shape like an egg. You can enjoy a range of elegant music such as dramas, symphonies, and Chinese traditional operas. Many leading musicians from abroad would also choose this place as their major performing stage.


The audience here are mainly middle-aged individuals, students majoring in music and people who have a deep understanding of melody. Generally speaking, it is not very popular among youngsters. Most people came here because of its top-quality acoustic settings. The floor is supported by ten massive pads. This article is from Laokaoya website. These are constructed from rubber, and so are able to absorb any vibrations from outside and prevent them from affecting the auditorium. The walls are made of several layers of honey-coloured wood. In order to improve the acoustic properties of the auditorium and to amplify the sound, they are not straight, they are curved. The walls also have curtains which can be opened and closed to change the acoustics.


I believe the National Centre for the Performing Arts is a good place to appreciate music. Besides the excellent acoustic experience, you can also meet people with the same interests and make new friends. My girlfriend and I met there. So I love it.


Part 3有关音乐的附加问题(点击查看)


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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theater or a music hall) 描述人们听音乐的地方,例如剧院或者音乐厅:等您坐沙发呢!


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