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雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作讨论双方观点 母亲照顾孩子更好women are better parents



Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have a greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.



Mother and father both play a crucial role in the upbringing of children. Some people assert that women triumph over men to make better parents. In contrary to this, others claim that men are as good as women in parenting. This is very perplexing for anyone to choose one. According to me, women make better parents.


A mother is one of the first persons who gets attached to the child from the birth. A child spends most of his time, his childhood with the mother. So a child is more influenced by the mother. Secondly, a mother is the only person who takes all sorts of care of the child, like- feeding, bathing etc. Thus, mother occupies most of the child’s time. This makes a strong bond between them. When a child becomes a little older and starts to go to school, a mother takes care of that child’s study, homework, assignment, projects etc. By this, a mother plays a crucial role in a child’s education. In addition, a child learns moral values which are the main ingredients to become a good human from the mother.


In our society, usually, we find that women spend most of the time at home and men are only breadwinners. In this type of situation, the person who can spend a chunk of the time for the nourishment of a child is a woman. Thus, women can keep her eyes on every small movement of children. Apart from that, owing to closer relationship, children share their emotions and problems with the mother first. Thus, mother knows her child better than anyone.


On the flip side, to maintain the status of men, they argue that men are as good as women. In spite of spending less time with the child, a man earns for his child. A father makes future of the child financially secure. As financial security is as important as building a child’s personality.


To conclude, both women and men are equally important. But in our society women are superior to men in better parenting as they rear child very well.


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