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2023年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案 随着暑假的结束和新学期的开始,雅思口语也迎来了又一个 […]

2023年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案



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Describe a famous person you are interested in 感兴趣的名人

Describe someone you know who often helps others 乐于助人的人

Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place 认识的人搬新家

Describe a popular person 受欢迎的人

Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions 描述一位想法有趣的人

Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business) 成功的商人

Describe a sports person you admire 敬佩的运动员

Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well 擅长说中文的外国人

Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about 没见过但想了解更多的人

Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others 喜欢烹饪的人

Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with 一起学习或工作的成功人士


Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live 理想中的房子

Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people 去过的人多的地方

Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home 未来想去的遥远的地方

Describe a new shop that has recently opened in your city/town 新开的店

Describe a beautiful city 美丽的城市

Describe a park or a garden in your city 城市中的公园或花园

Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting 自己国家有趣的地方


Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information 描述一次你获得错误信息的情况

Describe an occasion when you lost your way 迷路的经历

Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money 存钱买贵重礼物

Describe a car journey that you remember well 记忆犹新的汽车旅行

Describe a speech that you gave in the public 公开场合的演讲经历

Describe an important decision that you made 做过的重要决定

Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child 和小孩共度时光

Describe an exciting adventure you would like to take in the future 未来想要进行的冒险

Describe a happy experience in your childhood 童年的快乐经历

Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone 给他人的好建议

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of 完成后感到骄傲的困难任务

Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer 电脑出问题

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop 糟糕的服务

Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing 等待美好的事情

Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work 学校或工作中的重要规则

Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways 改变人生的某件事情

Describe an activity that made you feel tired 感觉疲惫的活动

Describe a party that you enjoyed  喜欢的聚会

Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else 令人兴奋的活动


Describe a game that you enjoyed playing when you were younger 描述你喜欢的童年游戏/小时候喜欢的游戏

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future 描述未来想尝试的水上运动

Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy 描述一个你喜欢的传统庆典

Describe a sport you enjoy watching 喜欢看的运动

Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future 未来想做的有趣工作

Describe a book that you have read many times 多次阅读的书

Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about 让你失望的电影

Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life 日常生活中有用的发明

Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing 喜欢穿的衣服

Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about 想要更多了解的历史时期

Describe a photo that makes you happy 描述一张让你开心的照片

Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful 有用的广告

Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about 感兴趣的科学领域

Describe a drawing/painting that you like 喜欢的一幅画

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2023年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案:等您坐沙发呢!


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