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与公共假期相关的雅思口语题目Public Holiday答案详解


How many public holidays do you have in China?  在中国有多少公共节假日?

Sorry, I can’t remember the exact number, but I think there are at least four, which are the Chinese Spring Festival Holiday, Tomb-sweeping Festival, Mid-autumn Festival and the National Day holiday. This article is from Laokaoya website. These are all legal holidays that set us free from work or studies to celebrate.


Do you think people need more public holidays? 你认为人们需要公共节假日吗?

Yes, I do. People desperately need more public holidays, which are good days for them to get an escape from their working or studying pressure. People would be more efficient in their work if they were given more public holidays to loosen up. We need more holidays just like those countries in Europ.


Which holiday is your favorite? 哪个节日是你最喜欢的?

It must be the Chinese Spring Festival, which lasts long and in which lots of foods can be tasted. Also, I love it because I can meet friends and relatives who I haven’t met for months. You know, it’s the only time that I can meet them in a year.




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