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雅思口语part1答案范文解析 Sharing 分享 分享类的话题也是在此次雅思口语考试季度中的新出题目,但是 […]

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 Sharing 分享


Do you have anything to share with others recently? 你最近有什么跟他人分享的事情吗?

Yes, I have bought a hair dryer which is from Dyson. It’s been quite popular on the Internet recently. You know I couldn’t resist my temptation and bought it with nearly 3000 RMB. After a few days’ trials, I’ve found it pretty useful and shared it with my besties. They were all into it.


What kind of things are not suitable for sharing? 那种事情不太适合分享?

I think it depends on different types of people you are going to share with. But, this article is from laokaoya website, generally speaking, things that cause negative impacts on people are better not to be shared with others. For example, those meaningless complaints about people’s behaviors.


What kind of things do you like to share with others? 你喜欢跟其他人分享什么事情?

Oh, it must be good news. You know whenever I got a piece of good news, big or small, I would immediately tell my friends. I think good news deserves to be shared with others because it can spread positive energy to others.

那绝对是好消息了,不管啥时候我得到了好消息, 不管是大还是小,我都会立马告诉我的朋友们。我认为好的消息值得比分享给他人,因为好消息能给人带来正能量。

Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child? 当你小的时候,你的父母有没有教过你分享东西?

Yes, they did. They even told me an old story in ancient China to remind me of the good merit of sharing things to others. From that on, I always follow their advice to share whenever possible, for example, some stationaries when my classmates needed.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/9213.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part1答案范文解析 Sharing 分享:等您坐沙发呢!


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