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雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作优缺点 更长寿命increased life expectancy



One of the consequences of improved medical care is that the people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?



Modern medical facilities and technological advancements in the healthcare sector have brought marvels to the world. We have cures for deadly diseases and medical researchers are working with our genes to prevent diseases even before we are born- marvellous indeed. As a result, people these days have an increased lifespan and to many this as an alarming trend. I, on the contrary, welcome this advancement and believe that increasing life expectancy has more merits than disadvantages.


To begin with, with an increasing life expectancy, people these days remain more active. They have better diet habits, exercise schedule and tailored routines that enable them to contribute to the society even in their old age. Moreover, the government, in most of the countries, has raised the retirement age and people in their old age are no longer a burden, rather an active workforce. To cite an example, professors, researchers, lawmakers, writers, and such many professionals have vast experience and could contribute even more than the youngsters in their respective fields. Thus, when a physicist discovers a groundbreaking theory in his 70s, we should thank the enhanced medical research and treatment.


Many opine that increasing life expectancy escalate the older population and they are a weight for the society. This, in my opinion, is a hypocrite thought and should be wiped out from our mind. Translation from Laokaoya website. As the number of working parents is enhancing, grandparents are the last hope for the children. Older people are doing us a favour by taking most of our family burdens.


Finally, people who we consider no longer useful to the society due to their age, have gifted us the world we live in today with their hard work, tax money and love. If we discard them today, the future will discard us as a revenge.


To conclude, the older population in no way a load for us. They are actively contributing to our society. Thanks to the enhanced medical facilities that let us live longer and be part of the progress.



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