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雅思写作犯罪类词汇总结 含例句 犯罪类话题是雅思写作大作文中十分常见的考察内容,大体类别包括:分析青少年犯罪的 […]

雅思写作犯罪类词汇总结 含例句


1. legislation

含义:法律,法规。A law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament.

例句:There needs to be changes to crime-related legislation.

2. deter

含义:威慑,震慑。To make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by threatening bad results if they do it.

例句:Tougher prison sentences may be a deterrent to other would-be offenders.

3. offender

含义:犯罪者,违法者。Someone who is guilty of a crime.

例句:Prison should not be used for first-time offenders.

4. punish

含义:惩罚。To cause someone who has done something wrong or committed a crime to suffer, by hurting them, forcing them to pay money, sending them to prison, etc

例句:Those responsible for serious crimes must be punished

5. prevention

含义:阻止,制止。When you stop something from happening or stop someone from doing something.

例句:The government should focus on the prevention of crime rather than introducing harsher prison sentences.

6. commit

含义:做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等)。To do something illegal or something that is considered wrong

例句:People who commit serious crimes should be given lengthy (long) prison sentences

7. criminal

含义:犯罪分子。A person who commits a crime

例句:Criminals who commit violent crimes should not be given probation

8. probation

含义:缓刑期,考察期。A period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison

例句:Probation is a good way to reduce prison overcrowding, but this article is from laokaoya website, it must only be used for those who have committed minor crimes.

9. rehabilitate

含义:使(长期服刑者)恢复正常生活。To return someone or something to a good or healthy condition, state or way of living.

例句:It is important to rehabilitate criminals while they are in prison otherwise they may re-offend (commit a crime again) when they are released from prison

10. guilty

含义:有罪则的。Having done something wrong or committed a crime.

例句:If jurors (the members of a jury) find a defendant guilty, then that person must be punished.

11. jury

含义:陪审团。A group of people chosen to decide in a court of law if someone is guilty of a crime or not.

例句:To ensure fairness in a criminal trial, there must be a jury.

12. convict

含义:定罪,宣判…有罪。To decide officially in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime.

例句:He has been convicted of arson (starting a fire intentionally to damage something) two times now.

13. fine

含义:罚款。Being made to pay money for breaking the law.

例句:Motorists should be given a fine if they are caught speeding.

14. imprisonment

含义:关押,监禁。Being put in prison.

例句:Murderers are usually given life imprisonment.

15. Community Service

含义:社区服务。Work that people do to help other people without payment, and which young criminals whose crime was not serious enough for them to be put in prison are sometimes ordered to do.

例句:Community service is a good alternative to prison for minor offences.

16. Justice

含义:公平,公正。Fairness in the way people are dealt with.

例句:Those who commit assaults must be imprisoned because the victims want justice.

17. victim

含义:受害者。Someone who has suffered because of the actions of someone else.

例句:The victims of crime often need help and support to recover from their bad experience.


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