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雅思口语Part One思路解析:Politeness 礼貌、礼节 谈到礼貌,也是雅思雅思考官常考的雅思口语P […]


雅思口语Part One思路解析:Politeness 礼貌、礼节


Who teaches you to be polite?


It was my parents who taught me how to be polite. When I was a child I was often told to say hello to someone who is either my friend or a friend of my parents’.


How do Chinese people show politeness?

中国人都怎么去讲礼貌? 是否得举个例子?你得准备准备 Describe a polite person you met

Chinese people often show their polite by saying something that is not really related to the topic. Like ‘Hi, Did you eat yer?’ is not a way to really ask if you have had your meal but a way to express one’s concert or simply show one’s politeness.

中国有时候讲礼貌的时候说的话往往并非字面上的意思,例如‘你吃了吗’ 并非是要问你是否吃过饭了,而且一种出于礼节性上的问候/关心。

What rules of politeness change in China?


To my knowledge, there aren’t many rules of politeness that have been changed. China is a very traditional country with rich history, what we behave is always related to the principles originated from the wise men in the old times like Confucious. So, we mostly feel comfortable passing those rules of politeness to our ancestors and nothing changed so significantly.

在我看来,中国的礼节并没有发生变化。中国是一个历史悠久的传统国家。我们的一言一行都是和古时候的圣人例如孔子的思想法则离不开的。我们传承给下一代的时候,并不会觉得多么的不适应。所以,几乎也没发生什么巨大的改变。这里我们还可能谈到家庭,谈到父母,我们也可以说说我们优秀的父母的故事》》》Describe someone who is a good parent.

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