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雅思口语Part1真题答案范文:Travel 旅行 旅行/旅游是一个非常常见的雅思口语考题,几乎贯穿了整个雅思 […]


雅思口语Part1真题答案范文:Travel 旅行

旅行/旅游是一个非常常见的雅思口语考题,几乎贯穿了整个雅思口语Part one/two/three的部分。该题目由于非常贴近生活,而且也是我们英文学习中比较熟知的一块主题,因此难度系数适中。在备考的过程中可以多多让自己开口练习,减少默读的次数,这是提高口语的必备方法之一。可以先看着题目,用纸遮住老烤鸭的原创答案范文,多给自己几遍口头即兴回答的机会,你会发现效果会很不错。


Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

Yes, I do. Traveling is part of my life. It’s not an escape from my busy life in the city but also enables me to discover and appreciate the diversity of this world. This article is from Laokaoya website. I’ve always felt that traveling is another way of receiving an education, and it’s more authentic!


How often do you go traveling? 你经常旅行吗?

I don’t travel very frequently, typically just once or twice a year. Due to limited free time and budget constraints, I usually opt to travel during one or two public holidays. This way, I can make the most of my trips and explore the places I’ve been longing to visit.


Where do you usually travel? 你经常在哪里旅行?

My choice of travel destinations largely depends on the amount of free time I have available. If I have a week or more, I often opt for international destinations like Korea and Japan. However, this article is from laokaoya website, when my available time is limited to just three days or so, I prefer to explore cities nearby within my own country. So, the destination choice is adapted to the duration of the trip.


How do you feel when you are traveling? 你旅行的时候感觉如何?

When I’m traveling, my emotions are a mix of excitement and occasionally fatigue. The excitement stems from the anticipation of exploring exotic and intriguing places, satisfying my curiosity about the unknown. The prospect of new experiences keeps me enthusiastic. However, there are moments when I feel tired, particularly if the trip wasn’t adequately planned. Insufficient preparation can lead to exhaustion, but overall, the thrill of discovery outweighs any fatigue.


—update line—

What kind of cities do you like to travel to? 你喜欢去什么样的城市旅游?

Well, I enjoy traveling to various kinds of cities. Generally, I love to travel to some exotic cities because they are good places for me to know about different cultures. Plus, I’m also into cities that have good sanitary conditions. I just can’t stand people liter around in the city.


Which cities have you traveled to?  你曾经去过哪些城市旅游?

I have been to many cities. The last one is Auckland, which is the biggest city in New Zealand. I remember while I was staying there, I was stunned by the beautiful scenery. I wish I could go there again in the near future.


What is the place that left you the deepest impression when traveling? 旅游的时候哪个地方留给你最深刻的印象?

I think it’s Christchurch, which is a southern city in New Zealand. There’s a botanic garden that gave me the deepest impression. It has various kinds of plants dating back from the Dinosaurs’ period, and the pure water, which was drinkable and sweet, made me really want to take some home.


与此同时,该Part1系列问题还与两个口语话题卡息息相关,分别是:Describe an unusual experience of travelingDescribe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down during your travel;也请一并认真练习。


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/12247.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1真题答案范文:Travel 旅行:等您坐沙发呢!


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