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雅思G类书信写作范 给堂兄写信关于旅行 今天老烤鸭雅思小编要介绍到的是与旅行相关的书信题目。在外地旅游人生地不 […]


雅思G类书信写作范 给堂兄写信关于旅行


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 你需要花20分钟的时间在这项任务上

You are going to spend your vacation in a city in a foreign country. You have never been there before. Your cousin has a friend who lives there. 你打算去外国的一个城市旅行,但你从来没有在那个地方去过。你的堂兄有个朋友在那里居住。

Write a letter to your cousin’s friend. In your letter 写一封信给你堂兄的朋友

  • introduce yourself 介绍一下你自己。
  • say why you are making this trip 告诉她为什么你要有这个旅行
  • ask some questions about the city (e.g. places to see, things to do, things to bring) 问他一些关于城市的问题(例如,可以去观看的地方,可以做的事情,以及可以带的东西)

Write at least 150 words. 不低于一百五十词

You do NOT need to write any addresses. 不必写出任何地址


Dear Ethan,

Hope you are doing great. I am Pollard Jeremy, a maternal cousin of Gill from Canada and have heard a lot about you from him. I am writing to say hello and get some information about Melbourne, where I will visit next month with my wife and daughter.

希望你一切都好。我是Pollard Jeremy。是Gill的一个来自己加拿大的堂兄。我从他那儿听到了很多关于你的事情。我写信想要对你表达问候,然后获取一些关于墨尔本的消息。我下个月会在那个地方和我的妻子和女儿旅行。

Gill must have informed you that I might write to you and I truly appreciate your time as I know you are terribly busy. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, when I mentioned my trip to Gill, he enthusiastically recommended you. You might remember me from the wedding ceremony of Gill last year when he introduced you to me.


I am planning to spend some quality time in Melbourne where I solely intend to spend the summer holidays with my family. I have done some online research and learned a few things about Melbourne but this is my first trip to Australia and I thought you would be the best person to recommend me some hotels, tourists spots, child-friendly amusement parks and dining places. I intend to stay for around one month and would like to be on my budget. Are there any tips for daily commuting? What type of dresses should we bring to Melbourne during this time?


I do not know anybody there and your tips would be a great help to me.


No more today. Stay fine and write back to me at your convenience.


Warm wishes,




雅思G类书信写作范文 旅游租车带上家人和轮椅

雅思书信写作 写信给朋友介绍旅游景点


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/13424.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类书信写作范 给堂兄写信关于旅行:等您坐沙发呢!


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