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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Number 数字 与数字相关的口语话题曾经有考到过math(数学)以及cal […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Number 数字

与数字相关的口语话题曾经有考到过math(数学)以及calculator (计算器),而本季度的number考题是换汤不换药,其中也涉及到了与数学相关的内容。不管对数学是否感兴趣,只要大家在生活和学习中有接触到数字就能作答。老烤鸭小编建议大家结合自己的数学学习经历以及算术的经历来回答这类题目,这样更加方便大家的记忆和作答。除此之外,小编依然建议大家先给自己一点时间进行口头模拟练习,看看自己的回答的如何,然后再参考老烤鸭范文进行巩固学习。

Are you good at math? 你擅长数学吗?

No, I’m poor at math. It’s been a nightmare for me since I was a junior high school student. I tried my best to master it but I just couldn’t figure out some math problems efficiently.


Do you usually use numbers? 你平时使用数字吗?

No, I don’t. I am now a bachelor of arts student studying Literature. So, I barely use numbers in my school. Well, this article is from Laokaoya website, I think the only occasion I use numbers is when I am shopping at the convenience store to calculate how much money I should spend.


Are you good at remembering phone numbers? 你擅长记忆电话号码吗?

No, I’m not. I usually forgot others’ phone numbers no matter how many times they repeated them. You know, I often even forgot my own phone number, which was a kind of embarrassing moment for me in front of others.


What is your favorite number? 你最喜欢的数字是什么

I don’t have a specific favorite number. But, if I have to say, I think it’s number 1. The reason why I think it’s my favorite is that 1 symbolizes a good start for me. So, when I looked at this number, I was encouraged by it to carry on the things I was doing.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17574.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Number 数字:目前有1 条评论

  1. 0楼


    2020-03-15 07:28 [回复]


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